Thursday, 22 August 2019

St John safety tutorial

Today a St John's first aid tutorial Went by in a flash. The lady running it is Kathrin, and she wanted a volunteer to demonstrate how to  check if someone's breathing and I was the volunteer. I was back side down and pretended to be unconscious. she told everyone what to do in that situation. then we had to do it on our buddies. she did another exersice on victor about if your bleeding bad. again we don it on our buddy. then we headed out to lunch


  1. Hello Elliot,
    Your recount of the First Aid training provided me with an idea of how Catherine taught you all. I hope that you can use all the learning especially when you are on the farm.

  2. Hi Elliot,
    This is a very good recount. Something to perhaps help you could be adding some more punctuation like commas. Keep up the good work!
    Blog ya later,


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